A Typical Day at Pre-school

To support our delivery of the EYFS curriculum, each week we have a specific theme around which all our sessions will be based on our knowledge of our children’s interests. We will tailor the activities and discussions to your child’s needs and interests and allow for spontaneous learning. Although each session varies, below is a typical example of how each session is structured:

What the children do

  • Enter Pre-school independently - hang up coats, bags, wash hands, and answer to their name at registration.
  • Indoor and outdoor free play - selection of resources available which children are free to choose. Outdoor time occurs in the morning and afternoon. Change into outdoor shoes when appropriate.
  • Snack time - children wash hands and sit down together for snack. Each week children can choose from: milk, warm chocolate milk, water, and either a biscuit, cracker, toast, are offered with yoghurt, fruit, vegetables
  • Tidy-up time - help tidy toys, activities away.
  • Circle time - small group games/discussions, work on letter sound/number of the week, nursery rhymes, action songs
  • Story time - listen to a group story.
  • Song time - sing a few familiar songs.
  • Home time