In February 2022 we were graded as a ‘GOOD’ pre-school.

Details of our last Ofsted inspection report can be found at the ofsted website link below.

Ofsted Rating and Reports

We hope you enjoy reading our report

Extracts from the Ofsted Report

"Children have fun and are keen to participate in the varied learning programmes offered. Staff provide topics that ignite children's interests and introduce new experiences to broaden their understanding."

"There is a well-managed key-person system. Staff ensure that they update parents about the progress their children make day to day. Online systems also help to provide further information about child's learning and how parents can support this at home."

"Parents speak highly of all staff. They understand there are various policies and procedures that are implemented to help keep their children safe. Parents say that they appreciate the range of outdoor play opportunities that help their children to lead healthy lifestyles."

"Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well. Staff work with parents and other professionals involved in the children's care. This helps to ensure that their needs are understood and met. Those children who speak English as an additional language are welcomed into the setting and supported well. All groups of children make good progress from their various starting points."

"Staff throughout the setting appreciate that the activities they provide help children to develop new skills and knowledge. They work closely with other professionals, such as those at the primary schools children eventually move on to. Those children moving on to school are prepared well as they take part in activities and discussions."

"Staff help children to develop good communication and language skills. This is consistent strength across the setting. For instance, younger children join in rhymes with actions. They repeat single words as they play and staff encourage them to begin using simple sentences. Staff extend older children's language by using open questions and encouraging them to share ideas with others. Children have very good listening skills and concentrate well."