Frequently Asked Questions and Legalities

Sunnymede Pre-school’s Privacy Notice

Please find our policies relating to GDPR, Privacy and Website Useage

GDPR and Privacy Policy

Website Useage Policy

Data Protection Officer
Kate Greenwood


If you are interested in applying for a place at Sunnymede Pre-School please contact us on 07751 708 116 or via the admissions page.
You will then be asked to complete a registration form, you will be contacted as soon as possible to discuss availability. If you don't hear from us in two weeks please contact us again.

Available in pre-school, upon request
  • Registration Certificate
  • Previous Years Ofsted Reports
  • Insurance Policy Certificate
  • Copy of all Staff Qualifications
  • DfEE Curriculum Guidance
  • The pre-school insurance is renewed every year in September and carries suitable Public Liability cover; we are insured with Morton Michel.
  • Sunnymede Pre-School Limited is Registered with Companies House in England. Our company no is: 6906962
  • Our registered Office is: ‘Wedgwood’ 32 The Meadoway, Billericay CM11 2HL
  • Our EY registration number with Ofsted is EY401847.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. In an induction meeting, all parents are asked to provide a unique password. Only persons who know this password are permitted to take the child from pre-school. Please do not be offended if we telephone you to verify the collector’s identity. If we are in any doubt, we would rather cause offence by withholding the child, than take any risks.
We also have a ‘Collectors Book’ which gives the name of the collector and they in turn—they are asked to sign for the child, giving the password as well.

Yes. As soon as the last parent has left the school, the main gate is bolted and padlocked. Any access is then granted via our external intercom system.
We will never give out a child’s details or attendance over the telephone.

No. We ask that all children leave dummies at home so as not to upset the other children so that the children can talk to us!!! We encourage other comforters if needed.

No. Although, we prefer it if they are, this is not essential. All of our staff are CRB checked and we have on site changing facilities. Key workers support parents when potty training is being attempted.

The youngest age we accept is 2 years old. We are also qualified to support children with 2 Year Funding.

Yes. There is always a qualified first aider at pre-school and certificates are kept up to date.

Yes. Details of our last inspection can be found at Ofsted

We would ask that parents use common sense with sickness and consider the needs of the child. Please feel free to telephone us on the morning of your session if you are unsure. However, if your child has suffered from sickness or diarrhoea, it is mandatory that you leave a full 48 hours before returning to pre-school so as not to pass on any infection. This is a directive from the Health Council.

Yes. Details of our last inspection can be found at Ofsted

We will do everything we can to grant your child a place with us. Siblings are generally given priority, together with catchment. However, all spaces are dependent on demand and unfortunately cannot be guaranteed.

Yes. All staff are CRB/DBS approved. New staff are never left with the children on their own until their DBS has been received.

Yes, absolutely. You will be given a chance to view the school during your induction meeting or we can arrange a mutually agreeable viewing.

No. We welcome all children.

Parents are asked to sign a declaration during their induction meeting which gives permission for their child to be photographed and videoed. Photographs are used on Tapestry for each individual child’s online learning journal which you will be given when your child leaves us. Staff do not take photos with their mobile phones, nor post on online media anything to do with children at the pre-school.
During public events, such as sport’s day, Christmas play’s etc, we feel it is each parents right to film or photograph their own child. However we do ask that all parents consent to this before the event begins. Unfortunately if a parent disapproves, we may have to restrict all photography for that event.

Yes. Part of the Key Worker / Key Child process is constant monitoring of progression, strengths, weakness’s and behaviour of each child. Staff will regularly carry out tasks with the child, aimed to be fun for the child but in turn giving the key worker an insight into areas which need attention. All findings are noted in the child’s file which is available when your child leaves us.
Due to the number of children per session, we will not give you a daily update on your child, however, should you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to to come into session to discuss them with a member of staff.

Yes. We will consult with the parents and other authorities to make sure we can offer the best possible care. Look out for the Local Offer tab to appear on this website.

We will meet all dietary needs
You are given the opportunity to discuss this during your induction. Any allergies are noted clearly on the wall and checked each snack time.

Parents have to fill in a Medical declaration giving dose etc needed for the child and supply a ‘Protocol’ if one has been set by their doctor. We do not store any medicine on the site, other than those brought in by the parents/carers. Without the declaration—no medicines can be administered.

If you arrive at the pre-school after the main gates have been locked, you may use the buzzer system to gain entry. Please telephone the group letting us know the situation.
If you think you are going to be late in collecting your child, we ask that you let us know as soon as possible. If you are unable to arrange an alternative collector, a member of staff will wait at the preschool until your arrival or take them to an address of your agreement. If this is a reoccurring event there will be a charge of £10 per half hour.”