Indoor Space

Our pre-school currently occupies two separate rooms. Whilst children are encouraged to explore both rooms, the ability to separate the space means that during registration and certain activities we are able to divide the children for age related play.

The younger room is called the Butterfly Room. This room is more focused on physical activities, including our climbing frame, painting easels, sand and water and smaller table top toys.

The older room is called the Busy Bees Room, and is home to our children in their last year of pre-school before starting school the following September.

This room is designed to get our little ones ready for the school ahead, focusing on writing/mark making, role play, malleable materials, creative and imaginative play equipment and home corner. Children are also encouraged to look through books independently in our Library corner.

Outdoor Space

All children share access to our own garden, and we have use of the school field and playgrounds during certain times. The garden is secured during school time via a large metal gate which is bolted and padlocked during every session.

We built our garden from scratch and are very proud of the space we have created. In the summer months we have a large sail which provides 95% UV shelter from the sun. This was funded with money raised by the parents and a charity walk and is up from Easter to October.

Our garden contains a Wendy House with ball run and black board with ’counting sheep’ on the sides, a boat sand pit that is covered by another boat, hard path ways which make an ideal race track for our cars and scooters, and central all weather grass area where we alternate activities between water play, painting and other outdoor play equipment.

As well as our outdoor toys, we also actively encourage an understanding of the world around us. Our planting area contains a buddleia bush to attract the butterflies and sensory plants including fragranced mints and fennel. We also encouraging gardening and often plant seasonal flowers and vegetables. Our fence houses a Butterfly house, and ladybird box.

Toilets / Changing

The pre-school has 4 toilets and whilst we encourage children to be toilet trained by the time they start with us, this is not essential as all our staff are fully CRB/DBS checked and we have on site changing facilities. We encourage health and hygiene and hand washing and try to get the children to become independent with this. Staff ratios are adhered to at all times.


Our Busy Bee room is home to our fully functional kitchen. Our oven allows us to hold regular cookery sessions. Children are encouraged to learn about ingredients, measurements and generally get their hands messy! And the best bit…..they get to take their creations home! The kitchen and oven are both accessed by adults only via a secure gate.